Mission & Scope
Dr. Gurumurthy Kalyanaram
Understanding that education is a key element of productivity, prosperity, and job satisfaction, GK Educational Services aims to assist you in making the right choice for your future.
We also want to help you with your continuing education, and upgrading of your skills and knowledge-base by earning MIT and other IVY league university course credits/certificates.
We can help you with identifying, selecting, and gaining admission to your ideal higher education institution program.
Advisory services cover:
- Undergraduate Degree Programs
- Graduate Degree Programs (Masters and Doctoral)
- Interdisciplinary Programs and Studies
- Executive and Professional Programs
- Earning MIT and other IVY league university course credits and certificates
Led by Dr. Gurumurthy Kalyanaram our international team of experts is equipped to provide informed counsel on selection of higher education institutions in: the United States, Europe, Australia, China, Japan, and India.